Resolutions Schmesolutions

Sooo… how’s 2019 going? Busy? Same! If I had made a resolution to post more often on this blog, I would have failed already.

I once read an article from someone who, instead of setting resolutions each year, looked back and listed everything she’d accomplished over the past year. I was inspired! You mean, all those resolutions that we’re told to make every year that we feel bad about failing every year aren’t a requirement of humanity? I stopped making resolutions for the new year from that moment on.


I honestly can’t say at what point in my life I was introduced to the concept of New Year’s resolutions. But the overall gist that I got was to set a goal for bettering yourself or your situation to accomplish within the year. That really doesn’t sound too bad when you put it that way, but here’s the thing(s). In doing this, we…

 1.) …look at ourselves and think, "How can I be better?" and then we make umpteen resolutions to get there within one. single. year. Um, am I so terrible that I need to change something about myself every year? I think not. I mean, I like me.

Example Resolution: Be More Organized — In my office the other day, I needed a display for donor brochures, so I used my desk organizer. To be honest, it was barely cutting it as an organizer, but was the perfect solution for the display. Obviously, then I needed a serious solution for my desk. So I searched for options on Amazon, placed and received my order, put them together, and organized my desk. Boom. More organized. Does that count? It should. Why are we creating so much pressure to complete our resolution in some big, impressive way?

2.) … forget that not everything is within our control in this universe. Things can happen that can completely change our paths in life, which may in turn change our goals and aspirations.

Example Resolution: Start a New Program at Work — This was my goal a few years back, but then I got let go because the executive director didn’t plan the finances properly and they cut positions that other similar organizations did without. My goal became unattainable, so was I a failure for someone else’s mismanagement of money? Hmm… again, I think not.

So instead of accomplishing that goal, I got a new job and helped save thousands of dogs and cats from being euthanized in shelters and I adopted my lovely pup! Pretty good accomplishments, I’d say.

3.) … are so busy focusing on what we “need” to change in the coming year that we neglect to reflect on all that we've accomplished in the closing one. Do I think each new year represents a new start? Totally. Do I think each new year can be better than the year before? Sure! Do I want to be a kinder, more considerate human who has her life running smoothly, is stress-free, and is super healthy? One-hundred percent! But making all of these resolutions on new year’s day without any action plan and milestones just doesn’t work for me.


Okay, so maybe you don’t view the annual tradition of resolutions the same way I outlined in 1-3, but I certainly did and I needed a new approach. So instead I approach life like this:

I want to be a happy and healthy person. Happy on Wednesday might mean zeroing out my inbox. Happy on Friday might mean grabbing a beer with friends. Happy on Sunday might mean finally collecting all of those addresses we need for wedding invitations. Healthy on Tuesday might mean choosing to go to Pilates even though I’m not feeling it that day. Healthy on Monday might mean choosing grilled chicken over fried. Healthy on Saturday might mean eating that cupcake anyway because balance is healthy.

I plan some things and handle others as they come up. I don’t look for a goal. This is life, something will come up on its own; and when that challenge presents itself, I set milestones to reach a solution.

And most importantly, I look back at my year and reflect on all of my accomplishments, which I define as moments that led to my happiness or healthiness.

Sure, when you reflect back, there will be negative moments, but think of how you dealt with them. Did you meet them head on? Celebrate your strength. Did someone help you through them? Be thankful for and say thank you to that person. Did you learn a valuable lesson? Remember it and implement it.

Looking back and discovering what brought me closer to who I want to be helps me recognize those moments in everyday life as I’m living them and those patterns over the years. I’m practicing living in those moments and catching onto the pattern (it’s a work in progress) and seeing how doing so shapes the path for my overall life goals. So instead of making new resolutions each year, I’m trying to live a life where those resolutions aren’t necessary because I’m already keeping my overall life goal in the back of my mind and implementing it in the smallest decisions and actions. We’re humans; we’re imperfect. We’ll always be a work in progress, so why should that journey be so harsh? Enjoy the process.




Friday Five. | Christmas Edition

  1. OVERHEARD | *Woman holds a candle up to her friend's nose* W1: It smells just like a real Christmas tree doesn't it?! W2: It doesn't smell like my Christmas tree. W1: That's because you have a fake tree, Ethel. // I die.

  2. MISHEARD | You know the song Mele Kalikimaka (Hawaiian Christmas Song)? Can we talk about how for my entire life, I thought the line was “Mele Kalikimaka is a wise way to say ‘Merry Christmas to you.’” One day (seriously just last Christmas) the song was on the radio and I heard it differently (read: correctly) — “Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way to say ‘Merry Christmas to you.’” Obviously the correct one makes sense, but hear me out. I already knew the song was about Christmas in Hawaii, so I assumed they were just giving advice. Like, “Hey — if you’re going to Hawaii for Christmas, it’d be wise of you to say ‘Mele Kalikimaka’ instead of ‘Merry Christmas.’” My logic also made sense, right? RIGHT?! Right.

  3. FIR REAL | Our Frasier Fir Christmas tree is up, we’ve got Pine candles burning (my personal favorite here, and we’re using this Frosted Fir Method Hand Soap in our bathrooms. It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas!

  4. HOLY WOW | Did you know that Brenda Lee was only 13 when she sang and recorded “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”?! And here we are today, still adding it to every holiday playlist.

  5. FEELIN' CHEESY | Netflix came out with a new movie called The Princess Switch. I watched the preview and my first thought was that it sounded a lot like The Parent Trap. I love The Parent Trap (both versions) and it seemed cute, so I watched it. It is legit a redo of the '98 version — same “You’ll teach me to be you, and I’ll teach you to be me” lines and everything. While the similarities were uncanny, it was enjoyable nonetheless. In one scene they shamelessly plugged A Christmas Prince, which Netflix came out with a yeeeaaar ago I think… Anyway, I watched it next and there’s a line where one person says the weather is lovely and the other comments something along the lines of, “Yeah, if you like frostbite.” And guys, I shit you not, they gave two characters the same exchange in The Princess Switch. Fo’ real, Netflix? Was it just that good of a line? But all that aside, it was cute and I like Rose McIver, so I wouldn’t rule out watching the sequel that came out this year… though the reviews so far haven’t been stellar.

Want to share what you’ve seen, heard, done, or learned this holiday season? Post a comment!



Snow Days, Gingerbread Houses, and Small Bites — Oh My!


We went to bed super late on Saturday to a dusting of snow and woke up Sunday to about three or four inches of snow (which is saying something in this area). Keiko was unsure about going out in it this year, but once she trotted a little ways, she was soon zooming and frolicking around and didn’t seem keen on coming in.


We also woke up to no power, so Mr. Heid and I ventured out into the world where most things were closed (because the South is never ready for winter weather), ate brunch at Cracker Barrel (thank you for being open for those of us without power), went to Academy for rain boots and socks (I was loooong overdue for new rain boots and this was the perfect excuse), ran into Publix (for cookies, not water and canned goods), and then picked up Keiko to head to my sister’s house where she had power.

So in true Southern fashion, schools and many businesses are closed today, which means I have a snow day (and power again)! So I’m checking some things off my personal to-do list and decided I’d pop onto GSD to share with you guys! Let the sharing commence!

The other week, I invited some of the girls over to assemble and decorate gingerbread houses. I don’t know about you guys, but one bite of gingerbread can tide me over for the whole year, so I thought this would be less detrimental to my health than decorating sugar cookies. Not that my health was truly considered because I also created a big small bites spread…

My mom had given me a few cheeses that she wanted to try, but ended up not liking. I loved them, and decided to incorporate them into this spread. So I looked around to see what else I had that could go in the spread, made a list of what I wanted to include but needed from the store, and assembled this mock of where everything would go.


Let’s be real here, we didn’t need this much food, but I’d never put together a large spread before and really wanted to do it! So what wasn’t eaten, I sent home with the girls or saved for the following week’s meals.

It’s super easy and you can do it too! This spread includes (left to right): Ritz Vegetable Crackers, From the Ground Up Cauliflower Crackers, Boars Head Pepperoni, Boars Head Salami, Girl Scouts Honey Roasted Peanuts, Lance Wheat Crackers, Townhouse Sea Salt Pita Crackers, smoked gouda, Super Seedz Spicy Pepitas, Fudge Dipped Oreo Thins Bites, chocolate covered and plain peanut butter pretzels, yogurt covered pretzels, pepper jack cheese, Beemster aged gouda, aged cheddar, cranberry cheddar, Townhouse Italian Flatbread Crackers, pork rinds, bell peppers, ranch dip, more peanuts, Smuckers Cherry Preserves, goat cheese, cucumbers, leftover squares of Mr. Heid’s pies, carrots, broccoli, more pepitas, and Pawley’s Island Palmetto Cheese.

It was so good! I shared what I used above, but you can use any small bites items you want. Just remember to have a good balance of sweet and salty!


Did you know there are like a bajillion gingerbread house kits? After perusing my options, I grabbed two kits with the most candy selections, bought some Christmas M&Ms, and we teamed up to make these beauties (if I do say so myself).

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Turns out there’s a fair amount of waiting in the gingerbread building game. You have to assemble the sides and let them set for 15 minutes before assembling the roof. And then you’re supposed to let that set for another 15 minutes before you decorate it, buuuut we were impatient and started decorating anyway. One of the houses collapsed (oops!), but we rebuilt and continued on.

None of us liked the idea of eating them, but I also couldn’t just toss them. So they now adorn our dining room table for the holidays. I only wish I had a cake stand so I could cover them and place them somewhere else in the house (and it’d look fancier haha).

Alright, off to finish the rest of my tasks! Hope you’re having a great Monday!




Reflection | Autumn Snapshots

Guys. I had every intention of posting throughout November. I even took some styled pumpkin photos to share with you. But alas, I couldn’t find the time!

Fall is the busiest season for me — both at work and at home. It’s filled with moments that require you to live in them, which we could all stand to practice a little more anyway.


It’s the season where the youth theatre at work hosted six performances their latest production. At first I thought, I am going to get so tired of this show. Then I was completely blown away with the casts’ talent the first night and caught as many pics and videos as a I could for social media. Then three shows in, I really started to live in the moment and watch, remain impressed, feel proud, learn the songs, and catch the jokes and tiny details that I missed before. When I look back and reflect on that, I wonder how many details we miss when we’re rushing through life or trying to capture everything on our phones.

After two full weekends of events, I was able to embrace autumn in our house. For us, that means the smell of roasting pumpkins, Mr. Heid’s curses as he works to make the perfect pie crusts, gravy thickening on the stove, and Alice’s Restaurant on repeat. By the end of it, we’ve hit every grocery store in the area, Mr. Heid’s thrown at least one whole crust away, Keiko and I have had our fill of scrap pie crusts, we’ve made beautiful pies and delicious gravy to share with our families for Thanksgiving, and we’re hunkering down to watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

Despite our busy schedule, we managed to find the time to take two little road trips to Windy Hill Orchard & Cider Mill. I was introduced to the orchard back when I was in living in Rock Hill and immediately loved it! Chickens clucking around, you-pick apple trees, fresh baked cider donuts, pigs eating fallen apples - ugh! the list goes on.


On our first trip, we caught up with friends we hadn’t seen in awhile and went back to one of their places for a home-cooked dinner. On our second trip, we played games with our usual crew and purchased two carboys of cider for home brewing! They are currently fermenting in our extra bathroom tub (easy cleanup in case something goes wrong). It’ll be awhile before they’re ready, but I can’t wait to taste our hard cider!

We went to our hometown for Thanksgiving to celebrate with our families. This year, my brother surprised the family with a visit home. He’s been studying in CA, they haven’t seen him since July and weren’t expecting to a visit until Christmas! He trusted my sister and I with keeping the secret and sneaking him into the house late Thanksgiving Eve. It was a beautiful moment to watch our parents’ faces when they saw him on Thanksgiving morning. After our Thanksgiving meal with Mr. Heid’s family, we went to a local Christmas tree farm and picked out the perfect tree to bring home.

These are the moments we living for — the love, the surprises, the togetherness, the traditions, the family, the friendship. What did you enjoy most this fall?

I know fall’s technically not over until Dec. 21, buuuut it’s pretty much Christmas now, which screams winter to me (not to mention that it’s literally freezing here). So happy winter everyone!



Friday Five.

Happy Friday!

I don’t know about everywhere else, but in South Carolina we’re used to getting all four seasons in full, and I’m feeling really gypped right now. Where the heck is my fall??

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Side note - I have never typed the word gypped before and just learned how it’s spelled. It went from summer to a few weeks of fall, and now it’s pretty much winter. The lows this week are near freezing, and they’re calling for snow on Thursday. What. At least the leaves are still doing their beautiful thang!

So while every post has a bit of a life update, I want to take a few Fridays here and there to really delve into life things. And I like lists, so…

ONE | The day job has been insanely busy with planning and working so many events! We plan everything from festivals to comedy shows to holiday events. I am not the target market for about half of the things we put on (we serve so many demographic sectors), but I love our little youth theatre program! These kids bring so much energy and fearlessness to the production, something I think we sometimes lose when we grow up. These kids have so much talent — they are three shows in and I know they’re going to rock the next three this weekend.

TWO | Speaking of weekends, the one between this one and Thanksgiving will be the first weekend in a long while that Mr. Heid and I have free. We were really torn between spending it with friends or getting some things checked off our adulting to-do list. The to-do list won out — prepping pie crust and fillings for Thanksgiving, fixing up my old car (it’s been taking up way too much space for way too long), and taking care of our yard (seriously, the driveway is so covered in leaves that my car warned me that I might be about to run into something). To be fair, we chose the list mostly because after that weekend, we really aren’t free until Christmas. But then I get two solid weeks off to relax and enjoy!

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THREE | In all of our free time (read: When we stay up really, really late), Mr. Heid and I have been watching…

  • Superstore - We never watched it when it first aired, but we’ve made it all the way to Season 4 on Hulu only to realize we’re now in the current season and watching in real(ish) time. How did we ever handle the waiting before? It’s so hard.

  • I’m finally catching up on The Bold Type. So much friend love and support in every episode, makes me miss everyday life with my besties. S & B, here’s looking at you.

  • We also did a hard binge of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina in October. We were so hooked that we finished it in three days! It’s dark yet upbeat, and there had better be a Season 2. Check out how the original Sabrina cast reacted.

Discover & share this Chilling Adventures of Sabrina GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

Don’t worry, we’ll sleep when we’re dead. Which is hopefully a very, very, very (I don’t think I can type very enough) long time from now.

FOUR | Between all of the above, Mr. Heid and I have been looking at venues for our wedding and I’m beginning to truly understand why people have backyard weddings. They’re less expensive, no one cares about insurance or security, and you can use confetti whenever and wherever you please. Despite some of them being outrageous, we’ve got one more to look at this afternoon and I think we’ll finally be ready to pick one. #stoked

FIVE | If you’re ever feeling down about this crazy world that we live in, here’s a nice reminder that people are mostly good.

If you can relate to any of this, drop me a line! Have a great weekend!




Perler Bead Sugar Skull DIY

Can we take a moment to talk about how beautiful Día de los Muertos is — both physically and spiritually? The holiday recognizes death as a natural phase of life and celebrates those who have passed away.

I won’t pretend to know the full extent of Day of the Dead festivities and rituals, but I love the belief that those who have died are to be celebrated. It’s obvious to mourn our late loved ones — to be sad that they will no longer tell our favorite stories, make their famous recipes, sing songs with us… There are many things to be missed about those who have passed, but we can honor and celebrate them by re-telling their stories, sharing the good times we’ve had together, making that same recipe for friends and family, singing along to their favorite song, and so forth. There’s this notion in Coco that you only truly die when you’ve been forgotten by the living.

But spirituality aside, the festivities are simply stunning — the outfits, the florals, the face paint, the sugar skulls... oh, the sugar skulls! I came across the graphic below on Hallmark’s Think. Make. Share. blog and kept wishing I could have the original!

But alas, I cannot. So I recreated them with Perler beads! If you’re looking for these beads, you can get them at any craft store.

My Perler bead plates are smaller squares, so I couldn’t flesh out the designs as much as I wanted to… or so I thought. Turns out, I completely ignored those little notches in my plastic bases that clearly indicated that I could have fit them together to make larger bases. The more you know… next time. Can you imagine a super huge Perler bead design? Hmm… I’ll have to explore that later…


So when you do this, you can take a sugar skull pattern that you like or create one yourself. If you’re going to make a pattern yourself, I recommend designing it on grid paper so that you know more likely what your end product will look like. If you’re drawing inspiration from elsewhere like I did, then you may have to modify the pattern to better fit on a grid. For example, my skinny guy doesn’t have asterisk eyes. Now had I realized sooner that I could have made a larger base, he very well might have.

Play around with the patterns, have fun with the colors, and remember to celebrate those who once walked this Earth. Todos somos calaveras!



