
Hello and welcome to Gather Savor Dwell. I’m Keira, a South Carolinian enjoying life with my fiancé Mr. Heid and our pup Keiko in the Upstate. By day, I plan arts and cultural events for a small city. By night, I relish in gathering people together, dining on new foods and beverages, and making our house a home. Which brings me to Gather Savor Dwell.

Gather + Savor + Dwell — Each of these invokes a sense of space in which we can honor and create memories. A place where we can cultivate and curate experiences with intention. I’ve created GSD to share how I practice those notions — of course there will be plenty more goodies along the way. Take a deeper look at what Gather Savor Dwell means to me here.

So I guess a bit more about me —

I could consume sour beers, tacos, and chai tea every day. I love the act of handwriting and have been known to embrace snail mail. I love stories — I’ve just finished re-reading the Harry Potter series and am in the process of reading three other books. I have a hashtag for my dog (#keikokitch) and for my From Where I Stand posts (#fromwhereistandkk) that are mostly populated by my private Instagram, but will definitely be used on @gathersavordwell when I start posting more.

That’s it for now! I hope to learn who you are as we go along!

