This is Thirty


The other day, my sister told me that she’d been chatting with our Gramma and trying to figure out how old one of our cousins was. So naturally, they did the counting game — you know the one… “How old is Remy? Well let’s see, I’m 34 and Lucy is 10 years older than me… and Winston is four years younger than her… and Nora was born a year later… she and Remy are ten years apart, so he has to be pushing 50 now…”

We’ve all been there. Well, my Gramma is an easy-to-remember forty years older than me, so they started with her age and realized I’d be 31 this year. And then she said I was old. Seriously?! The to-be-71-year-old woman called me old? She cracks me up — Gramma’s got jokes.

Anyway, all that to say that it’s my birth month and 31 does sound old. But as I reflect on the year, I discovered that a lot of good came out of year thirty and you’re never too old to learn new things:

It was also a year of many firsts:

  • I saw a scorpion IRL for the first time ever - we named him Tubby since we found him in a bathtub

  • My sister, friend, and I won second place at trivia (hey. small things count. don’t judge.)

  • Mr. Heid and I got into a sport — it was hockey, and no, I still wouldn’t say we’re sports fans…

  • I finally got a passport — hello, travel!

  • I ate my FIRST ice cream cone EVER (thank you, Jeni’s for making that experience delicious AF)


And of course, countless good times with my family and friends. Thirty was a good year for me. Here’s praying and being intentional toward many more good years.



P.S. Does anyone else use their friends’ and family’s pets’ names as their examples in an anecdote, or is that just me? At least I use the human names and not, “Mr. Tinkles!”
